Drip, Drip, Drip,

Enhance Your Life by Cultivating Your Space

Don’t rush to fill a space. Be thoughtful and collect original art that you genuinely love.

Art surrounds us, shaping our lives in countless ways. By intentionally integrating original art into our environment, we can experience a profound transformation in the quality of our lives. In the midst of our busy, demanding lives, we often find ourselves pulled in multiple directions, expending our time, energy, and effort. Life becomes an endless cycle of giving and doing. Surrounding ourselves with original art creates a space that not only reflects our interests but also engages and captivates you and others. Each encounter provides meaning and fulfillment into your life. It is a Drip, Drip, Drip, effect.

enclave, 22x30”mixed media

Curating original art into your space serves as a mirror, reflecting back what is meaningful to us. Amidst the chaos of daily life, art provides a sanctuary, a respite that allows us to reconnect with our inner world.

The key to enhancing our lives lies in cultivating our surroundings. Consider the significance of the seemingly mundane beautifully handcrafted ceramic cup that adds meaning to your morning tea or coffee ritual; a hand-knitted scarf that wraps you in warmth on a chilly day, or a small original painting adorning a small shelf in your entryway offering respite and contemplation. Items that surround us are an extension and reflection of our souls requiring us to cultivate our space with care and consciousness.

between, 12x12” mixed media

Cultivate a space that authentically reflects you.

To embark on this journey, here are some helpful tips:

  • Edit, edit, edit: This may be the most challenging yet liberating step. Remove items that do not meaningfully resonate with you.  Sell, donate, of give items away. Consider it a form of nurturing as you prepare space to reflect what is meaningful to you. Live by the motto conveyed by authors Liesl Clark & Rebecca Rockefeller of buy less, give more, and live generously.

  • Pay close attention to what sparks your interest. Maybe you noticed a specific color, plant, pattern, the sunset… Pinterest is a wonderful website for discovery, or maybe creating a digitally video or vision board on the free Canva platform. Simply pay attention to what moves you.

  • Feeling ready to cultivate your space? Start with measuring the freed-up space and consider what would fit well in that area—floor sculptures, suspended sculptures, paintings, …

    • Walk paths are important when looking at sculptures. Be mindful of the sculptures orientation for viewing and its depth. Is it to be walked around? If suspended what are the hanging and weight requirements? 

    • Consider sun exposure - is it direct sun, no light source, ambient light… It would be a travesty for ANY fine art to be in direct sun unless it was created for all situations and atmospheric environments. 

    • Walls -All walls are not equal - there are drywall, concrete, brick, tiled, plaster,…walls. Rest assure that most are drywall situations and the hanging of artwork is fairly straightforward. If you are considering a wall of art seek out Pinterest for ideas on layout. Seek guidance from artists or gallerist on caring for, framing, and displaying the artwork. They can provide valuable instructions and insights.

  • Check out art events in your community, in your travels, and artist websites. 

    • Attend art functions, particularly artist-talks held that during gallery openings. These talks provide invaluable insights into the creative processes and inspirations of artists. Art galleries also offer information about the featured artists, including their statements and biographies.

    • Utilize the internet to explore the works of numerous artists. Do a digital search of your area and the type of art you are interested in.

      • Many artists sell their pieces online and always welcome inquiries. If you find an artwork that surpasses your current budget, don't hesitate to reach out to the artist. Some artists offer flexible payment plans, making it easier for you to acquire remarkable pieces for your space. 

Kathleen Yorba

Kathleen Yorba is an American abstract and figurative painter. Shown in solo, group, juried and invitational exhibitions, Kathleen has works held both in private and public collections i.e. Santa Barbara Museum, Santa Barbara, California; George Fox University, Oregon, University of La Verne, La Verne, California; University California Los Angeles (Triverton House), Los Angeles Self-Help Graphics... Yorba is represented by Hammerfriar Gallery, Healdsburg, California.

Kathleen Yorba holds a Master of Fine Arts from Azusa Pacific University, Bachelor of Arts from University of La Verne, and was twice a recipient of Wyoming's Jentel Artist Residency. Born in La Junta, Colorado, Yorba now resides on the California Central Coast.


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